How it works

Honest Discounts on hundreds of Hotels

We don’t take any commission from our hotels. This means that as a member you therefore benefit from 30-50% lower hotel prices. These discounts are available not just now and then, but all year round whenever hotels have free capacity. Over 500 hotels offer their vacant rooms on and thus increase their year-round occupancy. Transparent, honest and without hidden costs.

30-50% discount in 500+ hotels

With your HotelCard you can stay in any of our partner hotels as often as you like and save up to 50%. One HotelCard is enough per room, no matter how many people. The price for your HotelCard usually pays for itself after just a one-night stay. After this you save a lot of money with every other hotel stay. Those who do the math travel with HotelCard.

See how much you can save

A for Ascona, Z for Zermatt

Discover all corners of Switzerland and save an average of EUR 100 per night.  Whether hiking in the mountains, relaxing in the thermal baths or enjoying gelati on Lago di Lugano: with HotelCard, you'll always get more out of your travels.

Happy clients are what drives us

The HotelCard community includes tens of thousands of loyal members that have been traveling with us for many years. For good reason: our unique model inspires young and old and appeals not only to bargain hunters, but to everyone who loves hotel stays and likes to discover new things, especially different corners of beautiful Switzerland and neighbouring countries.

Become a happy member

How to benefit most from HotelCard

The best deals at any time: on our website you will always be able to find a bargain hotel deal, no matter when you plan to travel. This is how you get the maximum out of your HotelCard:

Beach, city or mountain

Beach, city or mountain

Depending on the day of the week. In the mountains or in the countryside you will get the most and best offers during the week. City hotels, on the other hand, usually have high availability on weekends and reward your visit then with big discounts.

Book early in advance

If you book early, you will be rewarded with the best selection of hotels and deals.

Off the beaten track

In addition to well-known places like Zermatt, Interlaken, or Lucerne our platform also offers countless hotel options in fascinating little places away from the masses. Especially during school holidays and main travel season, you will find the better offers if you keep away from the main tourist gateways.

Bookings with children

Our platform allows you to search and book hotel rooms with children of different ages. Where this is not easily possible (extra beds, etc.), we recommend contacting the hotel by phone.


The filter option “instant booking” shows you hotels where you will receive a booking confirmation within seconds. On these properties, prices and availabilities are adjusted in real time. For all other hotels, the booking confirmation is sent via e-mail by the hotel and within a maximum of 24 hours.

Expert travel advice

Find inspiration about travelling in Switzerland and discover real hidden gems when following us on Instagram and by receiving our bi-weekly newsletter. We continuously provide you with exciting travel tips and inspiration for your next short trip as well as exclusive special offers.

Swim against the tide on public holiday

Half of Switzerland travels to Ticino during bank holidays in spring. How about a trip to Geneva or Lausanne instead? How about Lake Maggiore at Christmas though? The more flexible you plan, the better the offers.